Wednesday, 29 April 2020

My facts about Koalas

  1. Koala are not bears they are marsupials.
  2. Koala live in southeastern Australia and east Australia and the out back of Sydney.
  3. Koala can only live in Australia they eat Eucalyptus leaves .
  4. This is Peter he is 8 yrs old lives at Dream World, Australia, he eats 3.3 kg of leaves a day that is more than 3 blocks of 1kg cheese , thats alot of leaves.
  5. Koala can sleep up to 18 hours a day.


  1. You certainly know a lot about Koalas J'Varn. I like how you have given us a way of imagining how heavy the leaves are that Peter eats everyday.
    Here is a link to a video clip about a baby Koala at Australian Reptile Park. I can imagine you looking after this baby Koala as well as the park ranger in the video has.

    Elsa the baby Koala

    I dare anyone to say this baby Koala is not CUTE!! bye : )
